
Princess Jelly sitting in front of a pixelated space background.


aliases: nathaniel (when he's in trouble), bastard, baby, son, son-boy, lil guy, stinky, orb
age: 13 years old
personality: bastard, angry, anxious, tsundere
charm point: his wobbles :)
favourite treat: raisins or dried goji berries

nathan is my precious bastard son that i've had since he was only 6 months old. he is old as fuck, has a heart murmur, AND he has arthritis! but this little ball of rage has outlived like all of my friends pet cats and his own chinchilla brother, so... the spite keeps him young ig

i call this picture of him the victorian orphan dying of dysentery fluffy boy this is a pic of him when he was v young cute sniff boy rage filled orb very demure, very mindful him bones!!!!!!!!!!! him bones from above!!!!!!!!!!!!